@ -12,3 +12,15 @@ alter table `hzims_oper_maintenance_task` add column `em_name` varchar(255) comm
-- 日常维护计划、任务添加周期字段 |
alter table `hzims_oper_maintenance_plan` add column `period` int(11) comment '周期(单位:小时)'; |
alter table `hzims_oper_maintenance_task` add column `period` int(11) comment '周期(单位:小时)'; |
-- 更新日常维护库设备名称 |
update hzims_oper_maintenance_library t1,( |
select ml.`id`,ml.`EM_CODE`,GROUP_CONCAT(ei.`NAME`) EM_NAME from hzims_oper_maintenance_library ml,equipment.hzims_em_info ei where ml.`IS_DELETED` = 0 and ei.`IS_DELETED` = 0 and FIND_IN_SET(ei.`NUMBER`,ml.`EM_CODE`) group by ml.`id`,ml.`EM_CODE` |
) t2 set t1.`EM_NAME` = t2.`EM_NAME` WHERE t1.`ID` = t2.`ID` and t1.`EM_NAME` is null |
-- 更新日常维护计划设备名称 |
update hzims_oper_maintenance_plan t1,( |
select ml.`id`,ml.`EM_CODE`,GROUP_CONCAT(ei.`NAME`) EM_NAME from hzims_oper_maintenance_plan ml,equipment.hzims_em_info ei where ml.`IS_DELETED` = 0 and ei.`IS_DELETED` = 0 and FIND_IN_SET(ei.`NUMBER`,ml.`EM_CODE`) group by ml.`id`,ml.`EM_CODE` |
) t2 set t1.`EM_NAME` = t2.`EM_NAME` WHERE t1.`ID` = t2.`ID` and t1.`EM_NAME` is null |
-- 更新日常维护任务设备名称 |
update hzims_oper_maintenance_task t1,( |
select ml.`id`,ml.`EM_CODE`,GROUP_CONCAT(ei.`NAME`) EM_NAME from hzims_oper_maintenance_task ml,prod_hzims_equipment.hzims_em_info ei where ml.`IS_DELETED` = 0 and ei.`IS_DELETED` = 0 and FIND_IN_SET(ei.`NUMBER`,ml.`EM_CODE`) group by ml.`id`,ml.`EM_CODE` |
) t2 set t1.`EM_NAME` = t2.`EM_NAME` WHERE t1.`ID` = t2.`ID` and t1.`EM_NAME` is null |